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How to Make Text Stand Out in Photoshop Elements


Here's how to make text stand out using Photoshop Elements:

  1. Start by opening the photo you would like to work with, and use the type tool to add some text anywhere you like on the image.

  2. Open the layers palette if it is not already showing (Window > Layers), then Ctrl-click (Command-click on Mac) on the T thumbnail for the type layer. This makes a marquee selection surrounding your text.

  3. Go to Select menu > Modify > Expand and type a number from 5-10 pixels. This expands the selection surrounding the type.

  4. In the layer's palette, click the Create a new layer button, and drag this new, empty layer below the text layer.

  5. Go to Edit menu > Fill selection... Under contents, set Use: to Color, then pick the color you wish to have behind the text. Leave the Blending section alone in this dialog and click OK to fill the selection with color.

  6. Deselect (Ctrl-D in Windows or Command-D on Mac).

  7. Go to Filter menu > Blur > Gaussian blur, adjust the radius amount to the desired effect, then click OK.

  8. Optional: To fade the text background, even more, go to the Layers palette and reduce the opacity of the blurred fill layer (probably still called "Layer 1" if you never changed it).

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